Datapearl app for iPhone and iPad
Analyzing, optimizing, and reporting has never been easier with our powerful mobile analytics platform!
Datapearl empowers healthcare executives and critical support team members to make better decisions based on clinical, financial, and operational information anywhere and anytime. The advanced software provides access to a set of easy-to-use dashboards, measures and reports with drill down capability enabling real time data analytics on-the-go. Whether at the office, home or on the road, with access to real-time critical information anytime, you can instantly analyze important KPI’s to optimize your patient population data, provider performance, ensure compliance, and improve profitability.
• Interactive data analytics on-the-go
• Pre-built dashboards, measures, and reports
• Pre-defined key performance measures
• Multiple embedded drill down capability for more detailed analysis
• Instant Meaningful Use Stage 2, PCMH and ACO compliance reporting
• Built-in interoperability for EHR’s and HIE’s
• Automated report charting and sharing
• HL7 (CDA-CCD, EHR, PHR) ready
• Compatible with iOS7 iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad Air, iPad Mini
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